yum or up2date

Jim Cornette jim-cornette at insight.rr.com
Mon Mar 22 04:00:37 UTC 2004

Greg Ennis wrote:

>Would you please point me in the right direction as to whether yum or up2date should
>be used for FC1.  I have looked in the archives and have not been able to figure out
>the pros and cons of each.  I presume that up2date downloads from RedHat and yum from
>one of the FC1 mirror sites.   I never had any difficulty using up2date on RH 7.1 and
>8.0 systems, but using it on FC1 is difficult because it stops about every third file
>that is downloaded.
>Sure would appreciate some information about the differences between these.
>Greg Ennis
With recent updates to my test system, I found the below instances when 
yum was more reliable than up2date. If you are installing a program from 
a non-fedora site, yum seems to be more reliable for retrieval of the 
program. I have installed an entirely new installation and wanted to 
install a dvd player, which Fedora does not contain. Running "up2date 
ogle" did not give me anything but python scripting errors after 
attempting to retrieve the rpm. Yum, on the other hand, installed the 
program from the same mirror.

Up2date and it's GUI are really nice for updating existing rpms. Yum 
seems to be better for installing rpms from third party sources. This 
may be due to the rhn-applet causing errors with third party mirror 
sites, I am not sure. I do know that programs from the fedora site 
installed fine with up2date.

Basically, it is great to have as many upgrading/installation tools for 
different needs. for Fedora Core 1, I have apt, yum, up2date and 
redcarpet installed. All do different things better than the other. All 
help get programs installed that I like.

The best program for correcting fouled up systems is redcarpet, in my 
opinion. This is from my experience with the update/install agents.


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