Installation Troubles

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Tue Mar 23 14:08:18 UTC 2004

At 06:03 3/23/2004, you wrote:
>I actually mostly want to use it as a web server. Will it work well enough 
>that way?

For a few clients, yes. Try to make sure that you provide enough swap, and 
install as little as possible. Then when you're done installing, shut down 
as many unnecessary services as possible. Your resulting machine should 
function well enough; I have several built that way.

I suggest two changes in your messages to the list: one, is that it's 
easier to read your messages if you add your comments *after* previous 
messages. That way everyone can read the question, then the answer, then 
the comments... all in order. Having to figure out who said what and when 
makes it harder to read your posts, and that reduces the chance that 
someone out there will be able to answer you. (Ask better questions, get 
better answers.)

The second suggestion is that you "trim" previous posts, by which I mean 
leaving only the text necessary for context and relevance and deleting the 
rest. Again, this makes it easier to read your messages. But also, this 
list goes out to over 4,000 people, and many of them have slow/expensive 
links to the Internet. So every extra kilobyte of text is multiplied by 
4,000 and then made expensive.

These two suggestions are not hard-and-fast rules, but they are considered 
"good netiquette" since about 20 years ago for newsgroups and mailing 
lists, places where you are not communicating with a single other person 
but with many, many others. I think you'll find that they make sense once 
you get used to them.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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