Fedora Bug Day Tomorrow: March 24th 2004: It's Raining Cats and Bugs

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Tue Mar 23 18:29:26 UTC 2004

Fedora Bug Day: Help in tackling some bugs and take some weight of the
shoulders of the maintainers. Pick your favourite package, poke it a
little and see what comes out.

March 24th, starting at 14:00 UTC (09:00 EST)

at #fedora-bugs irc channel on freenode

Join the discussion and help out with squashing bugs. If you think you
are not up to fixing bugs by yourself you can always help out in
investigating the validity of outstanding issues.

Some of you might remember that a couple of weeks ago I made a static
bug list to investigate gnome-panel bugs
(http://www.ottolander.nl/gnome-panel/). Editing the html for each new
bug was a bit tedious, so I decided to build a program in php which
allows you to create categories, assign bugs to these categories and
reorder the lists. This program is quite usable already, but I would
like to do some more testing and get some feedback, especially on
possible security issues, before I open it to the general public. This
program can be found at http://www.ottolander.nl/bughunt/ , but for now
you'll need a user name and a password.

If you think such a tool can come in handy you can request a user name
and password. Join #fedora-bugs and ask me (leonardjo) for it. If things
go well I hope to open that directory to the general public in a week or

Some general info on Fedora Triage can be found in the
fedora-triage-list archives
https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/fedora-triage-list/ or
at the following URLs:
http://tinyurl.com/ywma3 - Jef "Very Busy" Spaleta's vision on Fedora
http://tinyurl.com/23alw - Jef's short term goals and long term plan

Hope to see you around tomorrow,

mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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