
Antoniak Adam Adam.Antoniak at mofnet.gov.pl
Tue Mar 30 08:46:46 UTC 2004

I will check if it works at home (I'm at work at present), but I believe I already tried something like this and didn't seem to work. I'll give it a try anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ilja Kogan [mailto:news at kogan-family.de]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:25 AM
To: For users of Fedora Core releases
Subject: Re: localhost.localdomain

Hash: SHA1

Antoniak Adam wrote:

| Hi guys,
| I'm rather new to Linux and especially to networking. I got a
| bandwidth connection recently. It is provided by my cable TV
| operator and works out of the box. I didn't need to configure
| anything for Fedora. Unfortunately when I reinstalled my Fedora
| system, instead of localhost.localdomain in the bottom right corner
| of my log-in screen I have user32.supernet.pl. What is worse, while
| logging in, the error message appears informing, that the system
| does not have an e-mail address for user32 and Gnome may not work
| inappropriately. I'm asked to adjust /etc/host but have no clue
| what to include in it. Gnome actually works, but this error message
| is really getting on my nerves. How can I restore settings back to
| default without loosing network access? Any help would be
| appreciated. Sorry if it is a silly question.
when you open /etc/host as root, you can see
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   localhost

and now just add user32.supernet.pl behind localhost. In my /etc/hosts
it looks like this :

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   localhost josephine

I don't know, whether it is the only correct solution, but it works
fine ;)


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