Tags for root mail multiple bozes --was-- Re: RPM database

Tom Needs a Hat Mitchell mitch48 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Mar 5 23:17:34 UTC 2004

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 08:22:30PM -0300, Pedro Fernandes Macedo wrote:
> Looks like my co-worker didnt see this e-mail then... He receives all 
> the e-mails to root for our domain (about 100 linux boxes , and about 50 
> sun) and he usually doesnt have the time to read them all..

What are the tricks to set NAME so that cron, Anacron, LogWatch,
etc. mail messages have different sortable From and Subject lines that
make it easy to see what machine is what (tools like 'frm').

The obvious is /etc/passwd

But where else can this be set.
Stuff like this almost helps in anacrontab.
# anacrontab
 1       65      cron.daily.BoxName         run-parts /etc/cron.daily

It would be nice to sort by Subject and or From so at a glance
it is possible to look for differences.

If things are running normal most cron mail is short and a quick next
next next will pop out the differences in messages with a seconds

	T o m  M i t c h e l l 
	/dev/null the ultimate in secure storage.

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