too many core dumps with Fedora C1

Mikko Huhtala mhuhtala at
Sun Mar 7 21:06:39 UTC 2004

Javier Gonzalez writes:
 > Just curious: has anybody experienced an insane number of core dumps in your machines? Ever since I installed FC1 I get a great number of core dumps, which to my knowledge happen unexplained. Does anybody have any insight about this problem?

Been there. It is probably the screensaver crashing and dumping
core. Then it gets restarted automatically and dumps core again. You
can read the name of the crashed binary in the core file and check
whether it is one of the plugins of xscreensaver. Many of the graphics
routines that come with xscreensaver seem to be very unstable on some
OpenGL implementations (e.g. Xi Graphics or NVidia). Of course, the
screen saver can be set to just blank the screen, which it may or may
not be able to do without crashing.


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