USB cf reader problem unmounting

Tom Needs a Hat Mitchell mitch48 at
Wed Mar 10 00:11:12 UTC 2004

On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 08:28:18PM -0300, Alexandre Strube wrote:
> Subject: RE: USB cf reader problem unmounting
> From: Alexandre Strube <surak at>
> To: Fedora-list <fedora-list at>
> Reply-To: fedora-list at
> Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 20:28:18 -0300
> Em Seg, 2004-03-08 às 16:31, Taylor, ForrestX escreveu:
> > I haven't noticed any functionality loss, and I am not sure which
> > programs actually use FAM.  My advice is to turn it off and try it.  You
> > can always enable it if you find you need it.
> Fam stands for "file alteration monitor"... remember those old antivirus
> which used to make a checksum for each file on a system? So, for
> instance, if a executable was changed, you would know that this was
> probably a virus...
> Fam does something like this.

Hmmm SGI invented the idea of fam for it's own desktop.  The intent
was to permit the desktop or a directory view to notice if something
changed so the view would be current.  See the "reload" button on
"Nautilus".  If fam was running and Nautilus had invited fam to notify
it then the view could update auto-magically and the reload button 
would be unneeded (except for non local file stuff,  NFS and Samba).

It can confuse things when multiple activities think or require they
have exclusive ownership of stuff.

See /etc/xinetd.d/sgi_fam ... you can turn it on or off.

There is a library where applications can take advantage of it.


	T o m  M i t c h e l l 
	/dev/null the ultimate in secure storage.

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