new memory = more swap?

Maynard Kuona knxmay001 at
Sat Mar 13 14:58:45 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 16:44, Craig Thomas wrote:
> I have 256MB ram and a 502MB swap, and want to increase to 384MB ram, [i
> know, i know it's an old machine].  I've read in the RH manual and else
> where that double the amount of ram is "right".  If I want more swap but
> don't have any unpartitioned space left, what are my options?  (I do,
> however, have lots of free space on my drive).
> -Craig

If you remove the swap partition, it should swap to one of your linux
partitions. You may need to confirm this. Otherwise, you might want to
increase the swap partition size. The whole twice the amount of RAM you
have is a rule of thumb. If you do not expect to be swapping much, i.e.,
you are not doing any intensive graphics work, then you will hardly use
your swap anyway. From my experience, I have rarely needed the swap

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