c++ IDE

thedogfarted thedogfarted at inbox.lv
Sun Mar 21 14:34:27 UTC 2004

Robert Marcano wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 15:55, Pierre De Boeck wrote:
>>	Hi all,
>>I am coming from MS visual studio C++ / dotnet and developped a lot
>>with openSsl,network programming,...
>>Now I have to developp on linux as well and I am looking for
>>a good open-source IDE for C++ dev to install on my FC1. That IDE shoud 
>>provides at least 
>>- syntax C++ coloring
>>- project mamagement
>>- debugging (thread aware)
>>- gcc as compiler/linker
>>- full control of the gcc arguments
>>and optionally
>>- CVS integration
>>- intellisense (code completion)
>>- help integration
>>I have heard about eclipse and MinGW.
> I recommend you to use Eclipse + CDT plugin: If you are a java developer
> and need access to a C/C++ IDE or you do not mind that it requires a
> powerful machine. The Red Hat team has a version of Eclipse+GCJ running
> natively without a non free JVM, I have not tried it yet ;-)
> CDT has all the features you have mentioned

Does Eclipse has visual editor like it was in IBM VisualAge for Java? I 
tried Eclipse  some time ago when VisualAge was included in IBM's 
commercial product, can't remember how it was called, but it had no 
visual GUI editor, so i'm using netBeans now but it's java-only. Eclipse 
+ Sun sdk + cdt plugin would be nice alternative if only it had visual 

>>Have you good recommendations for such an IDE on FC1?
>>I am looking for advises from users that developped daily
>>with these tools, not summary of white paper that I can read
>>myself on the relevant sites. :-)

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