No internet connection

Brian Tilley brtilley at
Thu Mar 25 17:37:57 UTC 2004

After upgrading from RH 9.0 to Fedora Core 1 my internet connection is 
not working. eth0 is working, and I can ping localhost and my static IP 
address as well as domain name. When I try to fire up Mozilla I can not 
get a connection. This is what I get when running ifconfig:

eth0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr  00:20:ED:30:0E:8A
            inet addr:  Bcast:  
            UP  BROADCAST  RUNNING  MULTICAST   MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:3639  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
            TX packets:288  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
            RX  bytes:386135  (377.0 Kb)   TX  bytes:12120  (11.8 Kb)
            Interrupt:11  Base address:0xa400  Memory:de016000-de016038

lo         Link  encap:Local  Loopback
            inet addr:   Mask:
            UP  LOOPBACK  RUNNING   MTU:16436  Metric:1
            RX  packets:1871  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
            TX  packets:1871  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
            collisions:0  txqueuelen:0
            RX  bytes:162500  (158.6Kb)   TX  bytes:162500  (158.6Kb)

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


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