Why Would Fedora be Free ? Can it be Trusted?

Marco Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Wed May 12 12:43:03 UTC 2004

> All,
> I am looking at using Fedora at my work and some people are asking 
> the
> following questions or have the following concerns that I did 
> not know
> how to answer:
> 1.  Why is fedora free and why would people work on it for free?

One of the reasons is written on the home page you are posting from
(www.pbgc.com): "working together to guarantee your future"

Software that only uses non proprietary formats and protocols is
future-proof: your documents remain yours forever, you don't have
to pay to read them again ten years later. And you upgrade only
when you decide it, not when some private company decides it needs
to boosts dividends again.

Hope this helps,

Marco Fioretti

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