Boot Floppy > 1440

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Fri May 21 20:11:26 UTC 2004

Ed Stewart wrote:

>>>Is there any way around this? How can I get a boot image 
>>that actually 
>>>fits on a floppy? It's going to get worse too because the 
>>smp kernel 
>>>is even larger.
>>Try checking "man mkbootdisk".
>>Of particular interest will be the "--size" argument.
>Thanks - this at least got a boot floppy created. But the system doesn't
>seem to like it. It ends with a simple "Boot Failed" from Syslinux. 
>I have been able to make progress, though. I created a CD image with:
>Mkbootdisk --iso --device /var/boot.iso 'uname -r'
>This drops a warning of "Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation"
>but it works fine. Of course this method kind of makes it hard to test
>kernel boot parameters, but hey, at least it's working.
It has been discussed many times on this list.  FC2 cannot boot from a 
floppy due to kernel size.


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