A friendly request to strip your replies

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Fri May 7 14:42:28 UTC 2004

At 07:53 5/7/2004, you wrote:
>I noticed quite a few people leave in large quotations that are not
>really necessary to understand the context of the thread, or even make
>it hard to read (scroll scroll scroll read 1 line). Also this wastes
>bandwidth and disk space (remember this list is probably read by myriads
>of people).

Leonard makes a good point, as usual. FYI, IIRC the list now has somewhere 
4,000 and 5,000 subscribers. So 10KB of extra stuff in a message (less than 
the three to five pages of stuff I've seen recently by a few posters) 
multiplies out to about 50 *megabytes* of extra data per message! Ten of 
those in a day, and we've wasted half-a-gigabyte of traffic.

Please, people, trim your posts. It will also improve the chances that you 
get a helpful answer if the question and discussion are easy to follow.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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