problem with FC2-i386-DVD.iso

Jeremy Brown jeremy at
Wed May 26 03:54:19 UTC 2004

Xinming He wrote:

>I think I actually got the right file. The size of the original file should
>be 4,370,640,896. Previously I used Internet Explorer to see the file size
>in the file property. Clearly it gives a wrong number. But still we
>implicitely assume all mirrors sites are trustable and are properly
>protected. It is much better to use digital signature instead of md5sum to
>protect the integrity of the file.

Might be more of a topic for the dev list.  FYI I understand that once 
you install though, individual RPM packages are signed with a 
Fedora-specific key, so any packages you obtain from mirrors 
post-install are guaranteed to be authentic.


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