smb:///sorry, could not display all the content......?

Don Campbell donaldtcampbell at
Fri May 28 19:53:04 UTC 2004

Workgroup network neighborhood.
damon fister wrote:

>On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 13:48, Don Campbell wrote:
>>I have the same problem. I can get to a Windows box from my
>>linux box with "smbclient -L WindowsBoxName" and I get
>>asked for a username and password. I then get a listing from
>>the Windows box about what the shares are etc. I can also use
>>the Windows box's shared printer which I set up with a user name
>>and password in the printer config process.
>>Nautilus never asked me for a user name or password.
>>It shows the various samba servers on the LAN but clicking
>>on them doesn't get a listing of the shares. It gets the same
>>"can't display" message.
>I have this same problem, are you on an AD domain in native mode or a
>windows workgroup? I am having these problems on an AD domain, I have
>not tried to replicate this in a workgroup setting.
>Damon Fister

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