html mail

Michael A. Peters mpeters at
Mon Nov 8 19:01:07 UTC 2004

On 11/08/2004 10:04:27 AM, A Fedora Core list member wrote:

> And don't post HTML messages to this list.

I've seen several cases on the various Fedora lists where a complaint
is made about html messages that are actually sent as both text/plain
and as html messages.

IE if the client reading the message can not display html, there is a
text component as well.

Is it really necessary to ask people who send these types of messages
to not do so?

I suspect what is happening is that evolution defaults to the html
version because it can handle it, and people then assume that it was
only sent as html mail. But often that isn't the case - often there is
a text component and an html component.

I agree that a message should never be sent to a list in html only, and
I personally never send html mail myself, but is it really a crime to
send a message that contains both text/plain and html to the list?

btw - I use balsa, which defaults to the text component message if  
there is one.
I bet evolution can be configured to do the same, is it? If not,
perhaps it should be?

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