unable to install FC3

Stefan Seefeld sseefeld at art.ca
Tue Nov 16 18:54:00 UTC 2004

hi there,

I'v trouble installing FC3 on my machine:
I choose to install from scratch using
the graphic mode (i.e. X). When it was about
time to switch the CD it stopped working,
i.e. there was no more HD / CDROM access,
and no changes on the display.
Switching to another virtual console,
and looking at the process list via 'top'
revealed that one anaconda process was in sleep
mode ('S'), another in mode 'D' (which, if I'm
not mistaken means it's waiting for some I/O 
operation to finish).
Switching further the virtual console showed
the log, and there the last line was 
"switching iso from [1] to 2 for openoffice.org-1.1.2-10.i386",
which makes me believe it was waiting for me to
put in the second CD.
If that's correct, why didn't I see a dialog
asking me to switch the CD (and letting me click
'ok' or 'continue') ? [*] I put in CD 2, hoping that
the process would pick up anyways, but it didn't.

I restarted the installation, with a slightly different
list of packages. I got the same behavior, only
this time the package at which it tried to switch
the CD was different (i.e. instead of openoffice.org
it displayed another one).

Is this a known bug ? Is there any easy way to work
around it ?


[*] I would further have expected the first CD to be
    ejected, which it wasn't.

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