Fwd: FC3 disc1 has error - md5sum is correct

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 17 17:39:40 UTC 2004

>Sorry!  I' ve switched to mailing list later than I post the message.
>So I repeat it.

It appears that the disks did not 'burn' correctly.  Can you try burning a new set of disks, but at a lower speed?  Also, try getting just the MD5SUM file from download.fedora.redhat.com and check the .iso files you downloaded again.

Also, to provide better support, can you give us your system configuration information such as CPU type, amount of RAM, hard drive type, cd-rom/dvd drive type?

James McKenzie

James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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