LVM is installed by default in Fedora Core 3??

John Summerfield debian at
Fri Nov 19 11:57:03 UTC 2004

On Friday 19 November 2004 12:28, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 18:28 +0800, Wong Kwok-hon wrote:
> > But it failed to backup by ghost 8.0
> > So I am finding a best way to backup it up to my FC3 to a image file
> > to windows server.
> Don't know about "a best way", but g4u has been highly recommended on
> the list - - no personal experience.
> I'd tend to go with a compressed tar archive of each partition to a smb-
> mounted Windoze share.
>  tar zclf /windoze/dir/root.tgz /
>  tar zclf /windoze/dir/boot.tgz /boot
>  tar zclf /windoze/dir/usr.tgz /usr
>  tar zclf /windoze/dir/home.tgz /home

There's lotsa ways.
I'd not use that one, I'd create one tarball of everything:
tar cjlf /windoz/backups/${HOSTNAME}-backup.tar.bz2 -C / boot home var usr
which makes it easier to untar into a different partitioning scheem

cd /;mkisofs -o /windows.bvackups/${HOSTNAME}-backup.iso -R -joliet etc
Watch your file sizes with that one. ISO9660 doesn't like big files.

To take less space I've been playing with this recently. Windows isn't 
involved, but that's a minor detail:
#!/bin/bash -xe
[ -d /mnt/backup ] || mkdir /mnt/backup
umount /mnt/backup || :
rm -fr /root/backup.img /var/tmp/backup
dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/backup.img count=0 bs=1024 \
ls -shog /root/backup.img
mke2fs -Fq /root/backup.img
mount -o loop /root/backup.img /mnt/backup/
tar clC / --exclude=backup.img --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/var/tmp . \
        | buffer -m $((2*1024*1024)) -p 75\
        | tar xpC /mnt/backup
ls -go /mnt/backup
rm /root/backup.img
mkzftree --one-filesystem /mnt/backup/ /var/tmp/backup
umount /mnt/backup/
mkisofs -R -z -quiet -nobak -o /var/tmp/backup-${HOSTNAME}.iso /var/tmp/backup
rm -rf  /var/tmp/backup
ls -hog /var/tmp/backup*
scp -p /var/tmp/backup-${HOSTNAME}.iso

Uf you need understanding with that, best learn to man.

This last ISO can only be read directly on Linux; on other platforms you need 
to unpack wih mkzftree. If this matters, put it (and runtime libraries for 
it) in the ISO.

If you don't like these, hie yourself off to It doesn't of itself 
involve Windows either, but placement of backup images is only a minor 

Lotsa ways.


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