Distribution method - could there be a better way?

James Wilkinson james at westexe.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 21 23:59:53 UTC 2004

David Fletcher wrote:
> So how about the Fedora team giving this idea some thought? Don't pack 
> everything into ISO files. Create the next Fedora distribution as a single, 
> much smaller file, which could be put onto, perhaps, a USB flash memory 
> device. This device, when booted, would then load up the installer as disk 1 
> of FC3 does, then perform all the information gathering functions for package 
> list, language, keyboard and location, partition and format the HDD, and 
> finally transfer all the gathered information to the HDD and set up a 
> yum.conf file for local mirror sites based on the location provided.
> Then reboot the machine, which automatically downloads and installs all the 
> latest packages from the mirrors, resulting in an immediately up to date 
> installation with a fraction of the download time.
> Does this seem like a sensible way to go?

I doubt that the mirror owners would welcome the increase in traffic if
too many people did this. (More traffic means more bandwidth bills: yes,
someone has to pay for it...)

I'm surprised that no-one's pointed this out.


E-mail address: james | A: Because people don't normally read bottom to top.
@westexe.demon.co.uk  | Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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