private glibc build failed

David Turvene dturvene at
Mon Nov 22 01:55:57 UTC 2004

Well, I'm more confused more than anything, and rather than stumbling 
along at my own insipid pace, I am requesting any insight or FAQ/doc 
pointer for the following two questions.  Beyond the initial problem, 
now I'm really interested in figuring this out. Thanks -  Dave

(Q1) Finding debug builds on the Web
(Q2) Building a local glibc

(Q1)  As part of Fedora Bug 129527,  which has to do with Ximian 
Evolution crashing due, it is strongly suspected, to a recent upgrade of 
glibc, a core developer asked the following:

Please, if you're seeing this bug, and haven't yet upgraded, can you
install these packages:
- evolution-debuginfo 
- glibc-debuginfo
- glibc-debuginfo-common

What are my options?  I couldn't find ready-made RPMs for debugging 
glibc or evolution anywhere.  So I assumed I would have to build them 
myself.  Which leads us to Q2.

(Q2)  I downloaded the source RPM for glibc2.3.3-27.1, ran the patches, 
configuration program (here's the command line: $dist/configure 
--enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --prefix=/mnt/share/glibc), and "make"-ed 
with CFLAGS="-O2 -g".  I believe I followed instructions for the most 
common build in the INSTALL and FAQ notes.

The build and "make check" were successful, so I pointed my 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /mnt/share/glibc-build and successfully tested a 
small program that I intentionally crashed in strlen() to "debug" stack 
trace.  After that, I ran

bash> gdb /usr/bin/evolution
(gdb) set env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/share/glibc-build
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/bin/evolution
/usr/bin/evolution: relocation error: /lib/tls/ symbol 
errno, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file with link 
time reference

Program exited with code 0177.

So, Evolution doesn't seem to like my libc.  There seem to be several 
possible solutions to my predicament:
1) Rebuild glibc-2.3.3-27.1 more carefully to recover the undefined 
GLIBC_PRIVATE variable.  I think this is the answer, because I see this 
variable in a number of changelog files and Versions.def.
2) Build a supporting shared library (pthread, glibc-common, etc.)
3) change my shell environment - seems unlikely

I searched the web and found a lot about GLIBC_PRIVATE but nothing that 
struck me as germane to my particular situation

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