OpenSSH and Chroot Support

John Summerfield debian at
Fri Nov 26 12:40:38 UTC 2004

On Friday 26 November 2004 10:41, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Probably what you
> want to allow users to securely access their personal web home while not
> being able to travel through most of your system.

I've incidentally set up ssh just that way on my Drake box I discovered sshd 
was not installed (oh really!), but entirely coincidently I had an unpacked 
Sarge filesystem there complete with sshd installed.

I chrooted into it and started ssh.

You can acutally use any system this wayt - it's a little extravagant in its 
use of disk space, but if you could countenance a minimal install of FC3 plus 
ssh in it, it's pretty easy to set it up.

You could have the small system unpacked (or mounted) at 
and the client sites in

Conceivably you could make a compressed ISO using mkzftree and mkisofs and 
loop-mount it on /websites then mount the client disk space on /websites/home

need I mention ISO file systems are read-only?


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