FC3: Fedora updates

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Sun Nov 28 23:52:02 UTC 2004

Am Mo, den 29.11.2004 schrieb antonio montagnani um 0:22:

> Maybe a stupid question: when you say that up2date isn't currently 
> running means that I have not started it by the red icon on my panel???
> And a more serious question: why so many files are in my directory (that 
> contains updates from FC1 through FC2 and FC3)?? no automatic deletion 
> of older headers??

>  Antonio M.

The RHN applet is not up2date.

Yes, the header files for older RPMs are not deleted automatically. The
more repositories you use the more header files will gather.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | new address - new key: 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) on Athlon kernel 2.6.9-1.6_FC2smp 
Serendipity 00:51:38 up 8 days, 19:39, load average: 1.30, 0.81, 0.56 
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