Speaking of Fedora being behind....

William M. Quarles quarlewm at jmu.edu
Mon Nov 29 02:16:09 UTC 2004

Scott wrote:
> How about OpenOffice.org?
> Fedora Core 3 was released with OpenOffice.org 1.1.2
> The latest release of OpenOffioce is 1.1.3 
> (http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.3/release_notes_1.1.3.html ) and 
> this was weeks before FC 3 was released.  We've still not seen an update..

I think weeks might be a little too soon for it to make it into a Fedora 
Core release.  I do think that about two months should warrant it, 
considering the Fedora Core releases are done two to three times a year.

> There are about a bazillion bug fixes in 1.1.3..

They better be very important bugs, otherwise The Fedora Project will 
ignore you.  Up2Date has had awful problems for all three releases and 
they haven't been fixed yet.  The Apt compatibility is basically 
useless.  I doubt that there are any security issues with Open Office 
since it's not a Microsoft product. ;-)

> I'd have upgraded myself but I like the integration you get with 
> Fedora's version.

You could always try making your own RPM.  I've had to do it before.  It 
also give you the opportunity to compile it for your specific 
architecture for better performance.


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