xorg.conf nx7000 dual head problem

Korpelainen, Seppo Seppo.Korpelainen at tellabs.com
Mon Nov 29 06:41:22 UTC 2004

>This configuration is working ok for me otherwise, but
>for some unknown reason I can't use mode 5 as the default
>runlevel in the /etc/inittab anymore. The boot process will 'hang'
>in the end of the rc5.d scripts and never opens the gdm screen.
>If I set the runlevel at 3, login in text mode and
>use "startx" to start X everything works ok.

I removed the "rhgb" option from the /etc/grub.conf and
now I can use runlevel 5 in inittab.

The same evidence is available here:

I lost some eye candy during the boot, but I prefer the text mode

-- seppo

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