FC3 HD Install Procedure ?

Mitsuho Iizuka m-iizuka at cp.jp.nec.com
Tue Nov 16 03:58:57 UTC 2004

From: Kevin Freeman <kfreem02 at comcast.net>
> By install program, do you mean that you have downloaded FC3-i386-
> DVD.iso to /dev/hda2 ?  What filesystem is on that partition?  Assuming
> yes and a suitable filesystem, read on.

No. I will format & download from now on. But wget complain ...

> Here is how to set up a HD install.  First, create a temporary mount
> point:
>     mkdir /mnt/tmp.  Then, mount the DVD image:
>     mount -o loop /partition2_name/FC3-i386-DVD.iso /mnt/tmp
> As root, create an installer directory:
>     mkdir /boot/installer
> Copy install image to /boot:
> cp /mnt/tmp/isolinux/vmlinuz /mnt/tmp/isolinux/initrd.img /boot/installer

Thank you very much. It seems this is what I want to know. Although is
it available to use 4 CD-ROM iso image files instead ? DVD img file is
too huge to download completely without fail by wget here. So could
you know any instruction to download one huge file into 4-5 segment
separately?  Or with 4 times mount iso images and some modification,
can I obtain 1 HDD FC3 installer ? How can I ?

// M. Iizuka

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