Setting the shell prompt to display directory path information.

Jon Haugsand jonhaug at
Wed Nov 24 14:21:34 UTC 2004

* David Hodge
> I want to be able to display the full path to where I currently am in
> the file system on the shell prompt like:
> [userid/directory/subdirectory/subdirectory]  I think that the
> following will do the job:
> PS1="[\u\w]"
> Now where do I place this setting so that it executes when I or any
> other users logs in to an FC2 server console.

I would think the best place is a possible new file called:


Both files, the first in bourn shell syntax and the second in C shell
syntax.  At least any bourne shell (like bash) will run the
/etc/profile and therein is a loop that reads all files in profile.d
that matches *.sh.  Remember to set read access to the files.

Jon Haugsand
  Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Oslo, Norway, mailto:jonhaug at, Phone: +47 22 85 24 92

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