Recursive Directory Link - libxml-devel

Mike Klinke lsomike at
Thu Nov 25 16:43:13 UTC 2004

On Thursday 25 November 2004 02:41, Paul Howarth wrote:
> It's a compatibility thing.
> The headers in that directory can be accessed in two ways:
> #include <gnome-xml/example.h>
> #include <gnome-xml/libxml/example.h>
> One of them is probably deprecated but the symlink allows both to
> work without having to duplicate the files.

Ah, thanks, that's interesting.  I noticed it because grep threw up 
a warning note:
# grep -R no-word /usr/include/gnome*
grep: warning: /usr/include/gnome-xml/libxml: recursive directory 

The authors of grep seem to have thought it unusual enough to 
indicate a problem to the user and it occured to me that this may 
cause other tools which traverse the directory structure to choke 
or hang without such a warning.  

Lesson learned for when I write my own little directory traversal 
utility I guess!

Regards, Mike Klinke

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