error "respawning too fast" on Toshiba Protege 7200

Stuart Sears stuart at
Thu Oct 7 19:36:38 UTC 2004

On Thu 7 October 2004 19:25, David Mamanakis wrote:
> Here is an error that I receive on my Toshiba Protege 7200 (with dock/dvd)
> when I "up2date" everything...
> "init: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes."
> I have tried several things, but I cannot seem to get this error to go
> away...
> 1) How do you stop linux from booting into the GUI and go into Command Line
> mode?
once only?
best option is this: reboot your system. When the blue 'grub' screen comes up 
you will see a paragraph of instructions on how to alter things. Hit the up 
or down arrows to pause the boot process and _read_ the paragraph.

Now you have read it, do the following.
hit the 'e' key to edit the currently chosen option in the box on screen.
the lines in the box will change so that they say something like this:

root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.8-5.2.1 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb 
initrd initrd-2.6.8-5.2.1.img

don't worry if the numbers are not the same or something is in your 'kernel' 
line that I haven't put in!

it is the second line, starting 'kernel /' that we are interested in.
use the arrows to highlight this line and press 'e' again.
this should allow you to change the kernel line. do not worry about making a 
mistake here - if you delete stuff in error you can put it back to its 
original state wiht the esc key.

at the end of the kernel line, add a space and then the number 3

hit 'return' or 'enter'
then (as the paragraph on screen tells you) hit 'b' to boot

you system will now boot into a text-based login
(aka runlevel 3).
You can then follow the other advice you have been given and edit 
the /etc/inittab file, once you have logged in.

of course, then we get onto the tricky subject of text editors...

what we have done here is not a _permanent_ change unless you edit 
the /etc/inittab file!

> 2) How do I searchout this error and fix it?
>      a) How do I find out what is causing the problem (hardware, or what?)?
>      b) What settings can I change to fix it?
ah. A real kettle of worms there. 
Often this is a bad graphical confguration.
once you have logged in as root, run
system-config-display and check all the settings it gives you.

if it doesn't work, we'll see what else we can suggest...


Stuart Sears RHCE, RHCX
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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