Womens user group

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 9 09:32:03 UTC 2004

From: "Angela Kahealani" <angela at kahealani.com>

> If a Linux User Group is where people gather to learn how to use Linux
> then
> isn't a Womens User Group where people gather to learn how to use Women?

As a woman I've been waiting for that to be noted.

> Language is a funny thing :-)
> People's (mis)use of it is, well, ROTFLOL
> Try http://www.linuxchix.org/ to see if they have a local chapter,
> and if not, then start a new LinuxChix chapter in your locale.

Why bother? Why should I want to exclude men from my hobby or
professional contacts? It's never worked for me before.

{O.O}   Joanne, the white haired "curmudgeonette" who observes that
        men lose when they exclude women from their "societies" so
        why should women who exclude men think they're not going to
        lose anything? Men and women are different. Different angles
        viewing problems leads to quicker and better solutions. I
        seem to be very "results oriented."

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