More SSH 'trolling'

dave drinker at
Fri Oct 15 10:24:08 UTC 2004


Sorry depends on what IP your coming from. Some networks are blocked due
to hack attempts.

Below is information located at that URL.


               Blocking repeat SSH attacks with IPTables

                     The following information will
                  assist you in configuring your Linux
                  host to block repeat SSH connections
                   that are not authorized to access
                  your host without having to identify
                        the source IP address. 
                   a) Linux host to be protected with
                           IPTables installed
                      b) OpenSSH on the host to be
                    c) Swatch "simple watchdog" log
                            analyzer v3.0.8
                   d) The configuration example below
                  Most Linux flavors provide IPTables
                      and OpenSSH in the form of a
                        package. Check with your
                  distribution and ensure IPTables is
                    installed before continuing this
                             How it Works:
                   The Swatch application follows or
                  "tails" your message syslog and acts
                   on information that is defined in
                   the configuration file below. This
                   implementation will enter a "drop"
                  line to your IPTables configuration
                   when someone attempts to login to
                   your host with the username "root"
                  or any username that is not defined
                             on the host. 
                   An example would be of the recent
                  SSH scans on the internet utilizing
                    the usernames "root" and "test".
                  Below are two examples of what will
                    be displayed in your message log
                       that will be acted upon. 
                     linuxhost sshd[19657]: Failed
                  password for root from
                            port 34753 ssh2
                     linuxhost sshd[20049]: Failed
                  password for illegal user test from
            port 34749 ssh2
                      In this example the host IP
         would be blocked as it
                     attempted to login as the user
                  "root" and IP would be
                  blocked as it attempted to login ad
                  the user "test" which does not exist
                             on this host. 
                       Preliminary Configuration:
                   A basic security measure is to not
                  permit login to any server with the
                   username "root". After making the
                   changes below you will not be able
                  to login to your host with the user
                      root. Ensure you have a user
                   configured for remote access which
                  you can then "su" (superuser) to the
                              root user. 
                    Modify your /etc/ssh/sshd_config
                    file to reflect the following. 
                           PermitRootLogin no
                     Make sure you restart your SSH
                  server or reboot your host for this
                        change to take effect. 
                  After downloading Swatch 3.0.8 (the
                   version that worked correctly for
                  this implementation) unpack the file
                  and follow the "INSTALL" directions.
                   You may have to install four PERL
                  modules which are identified in the
                   directions. You can download these
                      modules from 
                     Swatch SSH DROP Configuration:
                   Replace the "myaddress" field with
                   the e-mail address you wish to be
                  alerted on when a match occurs. Also
                  make sure your ethernet interface is
                        "eth0" with the command
                   /sbin/ifconfig. If not change the
                  eth0 to whatever is defined on your
                  host. Save the configuration to your
                    /root/ directory as a file named
                       sshblock.conf. You will be
                   referencing this file in your run
        watchfor /sshd.*: Failed password for root from/        
		exec /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -s $11 -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
                    watchfor /sshd.*: Illegal user/
		exec /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -s $10 -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
                        Starting the SSH Block:
                  As root from the command line of the
                   server run the following command.
                        --restart-time=01:00am &
                      This statement will tail the
                    "/var/log/messages" syslog file
                    while looking for matches in our
                  sshblock.conf file. The restart time
                  is implemented to enable the re-read
                   of the messages file in the event
                      the logs roled for archival
                  If you wish this application to run
                   every time you restart your server
                   add the above command line to your
                     /etc/rc.local file without the
                             trailing "&". 
                         Viewing your IPTables:
                  After you receive a message in your
                      mailbox you can confirm your
                     IPTables block by running the
                       following command as root.
                           /sbin/iptables -L
                   A successfull implementation would
                        be as indicated below. 
              [root at linuxhost username]# /sbin/iptables -L
                      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
          target     prot opt source               destination
DROP       tcp  --        anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh
DROP       tcp  --        anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh
                     Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
          target     prot opt source               destination
                      Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
          target     prot opt source               destination
                       [root at linuxhost username]#
                   The "time" restart in the command
                    line above did not function and
                    every week when the logs rolled
                  swatch stopped reading the messages
                   The fix was to use this rc script
                   and run a cron job that restarted
                  the swatch process on each log roll.
                    You can use a cron that restarts
                         twice a day as below.
    0 1,13 * * * /etc/rc.d/init.d/swatchrc restart > /dev/null 2>&1
                        **** RC SCRIPT ********
# swatch   swatch is monitaring for logs and specific action from external
             #          will send mail for specific users.
                        # chkconfig: 2345 42 42
                  # description: monitaring logs tool.
                         # processname: swatch
                  # config: /etc/swatch/swatch_secure
                       # Source function library.
                      . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
                   # Source networking configuration.
                        . /etc/sysconfig/network
                     # Check that networking is up.
                   [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
                    [ -f /usr/bin/swatch ] || exit 0
                       # See how we were called.
                              case "$1" in
                                # Start daemons.
                          echo -n "Starting Swatch: "
        /usr/bin/swatch --config-file=/etc/swatch/sshblock.conf --tail-file=/var/log/messages &
               [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/swatch
                                # Stop daemons.
                        echo -n "Shutting down Swatch: "
                                #killproc swatch
                               #pid=`pidof tail`
      #       pid_secure=`ps ax | grep secure | awk '{print $1}'`
             pid_message=`ps ax | grep message | awk '{print $1}'`
                         #kill -9 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1
             #        kill -9 $pid_secure > /dev/null 2>&1
                     kill -9 $pid_message > /dev/null 2>&1
               [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/swatch
                                 status swatch
                                    $0 stop
                                    $0 start
            echo "Usage: swatch {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
                                     exit 1
                              exit $RETVAL

On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 01:47, david walcroft wrote:
> dave wrote:
> > 
> > Blocking repeat SSH attacks with IPTables
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> dave,
>       On this URL it times out and when I did get
> through it was a 404 on 'sshblock'
>     david

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