Apache, FC2 and Virtual Servers

Eucke Warren euckew at sierraelectronics.com
Fri Oct 22 21:38:49 UTC 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher K. Johnson" <ckjohnson at gwi.net>
To: "For users of Fedora Core releases" <fedora-list at redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Apache, FC2 and Virtual Servers

> This last entry lacks an override of the default document root.
> The web server typically runs as user apache and group apache.  Are all
> your document roots  and files in them readable by user or group
> apache?  Are their parent directories and other directories in path of
> document roots executable by user or group apache?
> It looks like you have several problems here.
> Chris

Thank you Chris...I also realized that my initial request was in
html....sorry!  I have stopped using the http GUI to edit the httpd.conf
file as it keeps mangling it with each successive
change....ironically....the GUI showed the DocumentRoot entry....but it was
not in the actual file...weird.  Here is the revised:

  DocumentRoot /home/netwitts/html/
  ErrorLog /home/logs/netwitts-error_log
  ServerAdmin webmaster at netwitts.com
  ServerName www.netwitts.com
  TransferLog /home/logs/netwitts-access_log
  ErrorLog /home/logs/netwitts-error_log

# Virtual host
  ErrorLog /home/logs/grassroots-error_log
  DocumentRoot /home/grassroots/html/
  ServerAdmin webmaster at netwitts.com
  ServerName www.grassrootslandscaping.com
  TransferLog /home/logs/grassroots-access_log
  ErrorLog /home/logs/grassroots-error_log

Yes, I did restart the httpd service and it reported success....navigating
to either or shows the same Apache
Test Page instead of referring to the document roots.  I have some books on
order on Apache on the way but I have been furious googling and going
through my FC2 Books to see if I can get things functional sooner....it's
driving me nuts.

The listen line is showing *:80  Each time I have tried to point it to
specific IP addresses and port 80 httpd won't restart and complains about
the addresses...so I assume that this is internal to the config....clearly
Apache is intercepting both addresses...it just won't pick up the
appropriate DocRoot entry.  Suggestions on where else to look....I have, by
the way, scanned through Apaches how to, walkthrough and the stuff in my FC2
book...something just isn't clicking for me...

In the old days...I'd fart with rc.websites and the httpd.conf and I was off
and running....sigh...


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