yum vs. up2date

James Kosin jkosin at beta.intcomgrp.com
Tue Oct 26 15:54:37 UTC 2004

Fedora wrote:

>Can anyone give me some guidance on the pros and cons of yum
>vs up2date for keeping my system updated? The little red button
>on the task bar appears to use up2date, but yum seems to be
>referenced as the thing to use on the Fedora web pages. Is it
>just a matter of personal taste, or is there an argument for
>using one or the other?
I believe it is really a matter of personal preference.  up2date can use 
apt, yum and directory archives to get updates.  yum is strictly yum 
archives.  apt is strictly apt archives.  yum is more popular on this 
list; although I personally like the flexibility of up2date.

The best thing, stick with one and learn all the options.  This includes 
all the configuration files and other uses.

Good Luck,
James Kosin

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