Replying to thread in digest mode

Nifty Hat Mitch mitch48 at
Wed Oct 27 06:36:20 UTC 2004

On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 01:00:07PM -0400, Andrew Dietz wrote:

> What is the best practice? I don't post much, but every now and again I want to put my 2
> cents in on a thread, but being in digest mode, I usually decide against it since I
> don't want to "break" the thread.

There are some 'digest' tools that let you undigestify 
a digest in ways that let you work with  each messages
as if it was a single message.

Since the byte count will be nearly the same one could 
just switch.  

I see you are using squirrel mail.   That places you
at arms length from such tools.  Can you access your mail 
with pine, mutt, or other POP/IMAP tool.

	T o m  M i t c h e l l 
	May your cup runneth over with goodness and mercy
	and may your buffers never overflow.

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