How to set up network interface from scratch - newbie

Filippos Klironomos PresarioD at
Fri Oct 29 12:18:18 UTC 2004

> I just install USB wireless device using ndiswrapper and the interface is
> wlan0.  I run iwconfig setup (ISSD, key, etc) and wlan0 already recognize my
> router MAC address.  I try to set up using network config but my device does
> not show up in the choices. 

That is usually the hard part! Could you please post what the result of

iwconfig wlan0

is. And after you have set up ESSID with something like

iwconfig wlan0 essid $ESSID

could you post that as well? Then just try

ifconfig wlan0 

and see what you get. In order to use the wireless device with network
config I think you have to set up a new device while ndiswrapper is
running and then it will show up as an option. Frankly though I never
use the network config interface. I like the hands on 'iwconfig',
'ifconfig' command line...

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