Apt repos of fc3 test3 (yum is too slow)

Mike Perry mikepery at fscked.org
Thu Oct 14 06:10:03 UTC 2004

Do any apt repositories exist for core 3 test 3 yet? 

Also, could somebody please tell me why it is that yum was selected
for the default package upgrade mechanism? I would have expected there
to have been many flame wars on this, but searching google only
reveals a few offhand remarks.

It seems to me if any kind of speed is desired, yum is broken by
design. Keeping each package header in a separate file prevents TCP
slow start from ever reaching the bandwidth of your link since a new
connection must be established for each file. Hence a yum update can
take ages, even on extremely fast internet connections.

Is it possible for yum to download all headers in a single archive
file to speed things up? 

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs

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