manually assigned mac address

Andrey Andreev andreev at
Thu Oct 28 08:52:23 UTC 2004

Richard Worwood wrote:
> I'm trying to work out how to configure a manually assigned mac address
> onto an interface without much luck.
> Does anyone know how ?


As root, do

	ifconfig eth0 down
	ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
	ifconfig eth0 up

assuming that your NIC device is eth0, and substituting the xx:xx.. with 
the desired MAC address.

If that does thhe job for you, you might want to edit


and set it there (I think the parameter was called HWADDR, but I am away 
from a fedora box)



Andrey Andreev
University of Helsinki
Dept. of Computer Science

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