Want to Remove Empty Applications Folder from Gnome Menu

Dexter Ang thepoch at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 17:09:43 UTC 2004

On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 12:08:57 -0400, Clint Harshaw
<clint at penguinsolutions.org> wrote:
> I've upgraded my glabels application (label making software that works
> really well, btw) on my FC2 machine. There seem to be some empty menu
> items in my Gnome menu as a result, and I'd like to remove them. Here is
> where they are located:
> Redhat -> Applications -> (small grey box appears)
> Redhat -> System Settings -> Applications -> (small grey box appears)
> Redhat -> Preferences -> Applications -> (small grey box appears)
> Can someone help me with how to properly go about removing these menu
> items? I know it's minor, in the big scheme of things, but it's an
> annoyance to see empty menu items on an otherwise neat desktop. ;-)
> I've tried looking in /usr/share/applications, and see my other menu
> items, such as:
> bme.desktop                     gnome-gnotski.desktop
> mozilla.desktop                redhat-qmkbootdisk.desktop
> DataManager.desktop                 gnome-gnucash.desktop
> mozilla-mail.desktop           redhat-rhn-up2date-config.desktop
> etc.
> but don't see anything with "Applications" on it in this directory.

Sounds very familiar when I installed Opera rpm. Try and check in
/etc/X11/applnk/ and see if there's anything there. If there is stuff
in there that seems to look like the extra menu items you're seeing,
maybe try and move them out first, then run killlall gnome-panel to
reload it. And see if the menus are still there. If not, then I'm of
no help at all.  =)


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