question regarding ssh...

Sharon Kimble sharonm63 at
Thu Sep 9 20:04:46 UTC 2004

On Thursday 09 Sep 2004 04:46, RoboticGolem wrote:
> kind of off topic I guess, but, to me, it doesnt seem too impossible.
> Is there any way to make like a webfolder like thing that I can simply
> copy stuff to and from my ssh webserver?  It also has scp, but
> entering the whole mess for scp everytime I want to update a file is a
> bit of a hassle and I was hoping someone has come up with an idea
> already.
> -Matt

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I came across this 
today .. .

It says 'sitecopy is for easily maintaining remote web sites. The program will 
upload files to the server which have changed locally, and delete files from 
the server which have been removed locally, to keep the remote site 
synchronized with the local site with a single command.' Its a bit long in 
the tooth [not updated for over a year now] but it might be useful to you?

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