
Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Wed Sep 15 15:32:37 UTC 2004

On or about 2004-09-15 08:20, Will McCorkle whipped out a trusty #2 
pencil and scribbled:

>Nope, when I run dd the drives just sit there and do not respond. I can
>run dd and pull information from the drive and write to them, but
>sending information from one to the other is not working.
>Thank You
>Will McCorkle
>Systems Administrator
>DG Systems
>wmccorkle at
>-----Original Message-----
>From: fedora-list-bounces at
>[mailto:fedora-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Patrick Boutilier
>Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:37 PM
>To: For users of Fedora Core releases
>Subject: Re: tcopy
>Will McCorkle wrote:
>>Yes, the data is put on the tape in 18 images using tar.
>Have you tried dd ? This command might work (substitute real /dev
>dd if=/dev/tape1 of=/dev/tape2
Well, I don't suppose you have enough disk space around to read one 
tape, write to a disk, and then read the disk with dd and write to the 
other tape? 

Seems if you can both read and write tape, but not both at once, you 
could do:
dd if=/dev/tape1 of=/tmp/xxxx
dd if=/tmp/xxxx of=/dev/tape2

(I'm guessing from your description above that the controller is only 
capable of having one tape drive in use at a time.)

You should almost certainly use ibs and obs to set some large blocksizes 
or else it will take halfway to forever to do the job.  Optimal 
blocksize would be the blocksize that was used to write the tape, or 
even better an integer multiple of it, if you have the ram.

If you really don't have enough disk space, you could use the seek=, 
skip=, and count=  options to dd to copy large chunks at a time.  See 
the man page for dd, or the info file.  "info coreutils dd"  gives some 
helpful examples.

Fritz Whittington
I'm using MozTweak addon, and you? MozTweak:

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