Dynamic firewall (was: Alert!!)

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Sep 16 03:10:23 UTC 2004

--On Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:58 PM -0500 Dale Sykora 
<dalen at czexan.net> wrote:

> 		echo >> "deny all from $sip rule " etc/iptables-config-file;
> 		echo >> "timestamp for $sip rule" someotherlogfile;
> 		system("service iptables restart");

For that kind of situation, create a new chain in your boot-time iptables 
configuration (/etc/sysconfig/iptables) and add/delete to just that chain.

# create new chain
iptables -N badchild
# always run packets through this chain (could have a filter expression 
iptables -A INPUT -j badchild

Later, in your Perl script:

system("iptables -A badchild -s $sip -j DROP_badchild");

(I assume DROP_badchild does a LOG and then DROP. Use the rate-limiter 

To remove a rule, you could grep for the source IP in the chain, something 
like this:

grep $sip `iptables -L badchild --line-numbers` | awk '{ print $1; }'

and then run "iptables -D badchild $index" against the resulting index 
list. (Perl experts should be able to turn the above into a Perl one-liner.)

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