reading audio cd corrupted with usb sb audigy nx2

François Patte Francois.Patte at
Wed Sep 29 07:16:14 UTC 2004


I have some problem with an usb soundblaster card : audigy nx2:

1- if I use the service alsasound ("service alsasound start" or started at boot
time) it is impossible to have a correct sound with dvd (using xine) or cd
(using xmms)

2- with this service stopped : the sound is correct if I read a dvd with xine,
in that case, xine loads itself the alsa modules. Sound if also correct from
internet (mediaplayer...) but, it is impossible to have a correct sound from an
audio cd using xmms, or xine or reading an ogg file from the hard drive.

Does anybody could give me some clue?

Thank you.

François Patte

Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient - Pune - Inde
Université René Descartes - Paris 5
UFR de mathématiques et informatique

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