Displaying CPU utilization

John Thompson JohnThompson at new.rr.com
Sat Sep 4 18:02:03 UTC 2004

John Rowan wrote:

> On my RH 9 quad processor server the top program displays a line for 
> cpu0, cpu1, cpu2 and cpu3.  I just installed FC2 on another quad 
> processor server but when I run top it shows CPU(s) with one number.  If 
> I look at /proc/cpuinfo the system recognizes there are four 
> processors.  How do you see the information on all the processors?

Press the "1" key to show each cpu separately.  E.g., the default view:

top - 13:00:24 up 7 days, 5:32, 5 users, load average: 1.30, 1.46, 1.65
Tasks: 177 total,   2 running, 174 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s):   8.7% user,  10.1% system,  46.2% nice,  35.1% idle
Mem:    515508k total,   507340k used,     8168k free,    19556k buffers
Swap:   466832k total,   142764k used,   324068k free,   177948k cached

After pressing "1":
top - 13:01:21 up 7 days, 5:33, 5 users, load average: 1.31, 1.43, 1.62
Tasks: 176 total,   2 running, 173 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu0  :  16.3% user,  11.3% system,  42.7% nice,  29.7% idle
Cpu1  :  12.3% user,   7.6% system,  46.2% nice,  33.9% idle
Mem:    515508k total,   507832k used,     7676k free,    19840k buffers
Swap:   466832k total,   142760k used,   324072k free,   178012k cached


-John (john at os2.dhs.org)

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