ziped tarball .tgz

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at
Wed Sep 8 16:12:02 UTC 2004

Uttered littleguru <littleguru at>, spake thus:

> What the hell is .tgz ? I can not open it at all ,we have a software 
> that generate this kind of  ziped tar ball , but i can not open it with 
> tar or gzip .

The ".tgz" is a compressed tar file.  The other accepted suffix is
".tar.gz".  Read the file like this:

	$ tar -zxf foo.tgz

You can generate one, too, like this:

	$ tar -zcvf foo.tgz foo

I'd use the ".tar.gz" suffix instead; then you wouldn't "just have to
know" what it means.


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