Knowing the rc.d system

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Sat Sep 25 12:01:23 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 17:18, Steve Magee wrote:
> Some time ago, I was taught how the rc.d init system worked.  If in 
> init state 3 and want to move to init state 1, simply type in "init 1" 
> as root.  All K##filename are executed in order in the rc3.d directory 
> and all S##filename are executed in order in the rc1.d directory to 
> get you to that level.
> That doesn't appear to be the case with Fedora.  Either I forgot or
> the /var/lock/subsys/* files are new.  Regarding /etc/init.d/dbora.
> I have modified this file for touch (for start) and rm (for stop).  
> I added the necessary links in rc[06].d (K01dbora) and rc3.d 
> (S99dbora).  rc5.d is not an issue.
> Oracle wanted the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K01dbora in place.  I can never get 
> this to work.  I also saw other ./rc3.d/K* files that also did
> not fire off.  Why? 
> Can someone point me to a site that will explain when the K or S links
> are executed?  What relation the /var/lock/subsys/filename have when
> the K or S links are run?  Who manages the /var/lock/subsys/filename
> directory; e.g. /etc/init.d/filename or S99killall?
> Thanks in advance.
> Steve

When switching to (ENTERING) a runlevel, all the files listed in that
run level are executed.
Thus, when you start runlevel 3 all the S* and K* scripts in rc3.d are
executed.  Similarly for each other runlevel.

This is different than solaris (and maybe others) that do as you
describe.  In those OSes, the K* scripts are executed as you LEAVE the
run level instead of when ENTERING the runlevel

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