sick of stupid ownership rules!!

John L. Pierce bjjp at
Wed Apr 20 17:00:57 UTC 2005

> Mapping to this drive in Windows is a piece of cake.  Mounting it in Linux is 
> a bit more complicated.  I have this line in my /etc/fstab file on my FC3 
> laptop:
> //hagrid/path/to/music /home/richard/Music  smbfs  
> uid=500,gid=504,fmask=777,password="xxxxxxxx" 0 0

Richard, use an nfs share and mount it with something like the

musicserver:/shared/directory  /mount/point
nfsrsize=32768,wsize=32768,auto,soft  0 0

This will greatly increase the performance throughput.

And when grandparent poster stops yelling at us maybe he will get some


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