Newbie: Upgraded FC2 to FC4 2.6.12. Lost lots of applications on Gnome launcher

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Thu Aug 4 11:20:20 UTC 2005

Clive at Rational wrote:

>   IS the following expected behaviour?
>   In the FC4 Gnome environment I "lost" from the
>"panel" (3 examples)
>1) No application launcher / main menu (a bit like
>Windows "start") - I manually re-instated it.
>2) No Internet browser (in fact only Evolution) in the
>"internet" option under the Main Menu. I reinstated
>Mozilla launcher directly on the panel.
The mozilla launcher has an entry, but it is set to not display.

The entry is under /usr/share/applications/ and is named mozilla.desktop.
To see the launcher in the menu, change NoDisplay=true to NoDisplay=false.
Magically, the launcher will once again be visible under Internet. 
(Until your next upgrade)

The entry is as below:c at mozilla.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mozilla Web Browser
GenericName=Web Browser
Comment=Browse the web
Exec=mozilla %u
NoDisplay=true   # (Change to false to see on menu)

>3) No "application status" under "System Tools" - to
>list the applications that form part of the
>distribution - and which are installed. I used this to
>select new applications to install. After they
>installed, usually the "launch button" appeared under
>the Main Menu.
>  Maybe these are planned changes - I just know there
>is a lot of manual work to re-instate application
>launchers on my Gnome desktop - and I don't know what
>applications are installed on the machine. This "loss
>of buttons" is more than cosmetic. For a user like me
>because if the "lost" application launcher had
>parameters or switch settings ("--something" or
>"%something" else) "within" the application "launch
>button", these are now lost in FC4. Bit of a backward
>step IMO.

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