firestarter and fedora firewall

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Tue Aug 9 13:09:48 UTC 2005

On Mon August 8 2005 3:43 pm, Jack Howarth wrote:
> Claude,
>    Thanks for the feedback. I was worried however that disabling the
> firewall in the Security Level Configuration dialog might have a similar
> effect of disabling the firestarter firewall as well. I was unsure which
> one runs last during startup.
>            Jack

Well, one word of caution. Firestarter won't run at startup unless you set it 
to. One way to do that is to run from a root terminal:
chkconfig --levels 345 firestarter on
that will set Firestarter to run at startup in run levels three, four, and 
five and will set it to start in proper sequence

Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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