Cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

Toralf Lund toralf at
Mon Aug 22 09:04:03 UTC 2005

Paul Howarth wrote:

>>>>No, this is *obviously* not a normal file permission problem. And the
>>>>.so file is *of course* not missing. Please read my original message again.
>>>Try relabeling SELinux?
>>>   # touch /.autorelabel
>>>and then reboot.
>>Yes. That helped. Thanks!
>>I'm not sure I understand why, though. Care to explain it? (SELinux is 
>>quite new to me..)
>If you have ever booted with SELinux disabled (or share a Linux
>partition with a different distro that doesn't use SELinux), you will
>have unlabelled files on your system. Accesses to these files from
>SELinux-protected apps won't work properly.
So /sbin/kmodule (which didn't work) would be an SELinux-protected app, 
and ls, cat etc. unprotected?

Maybe the problem is that the upgrade I did also enabled SELinux? Seems 
to me that if it did, it also ought to ensure it installed files with 
the right labels, though...

> Relabelling fixes the

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