Linux notebooks by Hewlett-Packard

Reshat Sabiq sabiq at
Tue Aug 23 04:49:49 UTC 2005

Marc M wrote:

> FWIW I was a member of Silicon Valley LUG a couple of years ago, and 
> at one of their installfests someone came in with an HP laptop.   We 
> tried and tried to get ANY linux to run on there but were unsuccessful 
> with RH, SuSE, and even Gentoo.  Things might've changed but I am 
> sticking with a Thinkpad when I get one, IBM has been creating 
> linux-friendly hardware for quite awhile.  My .02
> Marc
Btw., i'm currently using Compaq R3000, and everything works, more or 
less. I did have to use ndiswrapper for wireless, and wait for FC3 
before my sound started working. Other than that, except the the 
built-in modem, and the fact that i can't turn off/on wireless using the 
hardware (have to do it from UI or command line) everything works. 
Desktop sounds on Gnome are a little weird, but that's probably a gnome 
thing. KDE sounds, and movies, and music play just fine.

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